Modern-day commercial spaces hold cleanliness and durability extremely paramount. They are significant for various purposes, including grow rooms, warehouses, and more. Therefore, maintenance is crucial every day. In such a circumstance, opting for durable paneling is a practical move. Whether upgrading the commercial space or protecting the walls from damage, choosing paneling is important.
PVC Panels is a Leading Competitor of Drywall And It Makes Sense
When you think of durable paneling for commercial spaces, choosing drywall is a big no. Vinyl-covered drywall is an aged-old wall material that shows signs of degradation easily. For instance, installing drywall in damp commercial spaces causes serious signs of delamination. It tends to swell up and break down when subjected to high humidity.
Why install old and worn-out drywall when you can rely on long-lasting PVC wall panels? PVC panels bring a remarkable transformation in commercial spaces’ care and maintenance. They are affordable and lightweight drywall alternatives that offer a lifetime of performance.
PVC Panels Offer Incredible Moisture-Resistance Than Drywall
Traditional vinyl drywall is extremely vulnerable to soggy environments. Drywall consists of crevice-filled finishing that easily traps moisture inside them. Unlike drywall, which soaks moisture and supports mold growth, PVC panels are completely contrary.
PVC panels contain a unique polyvinyl chloride formulation, which makes them moisture-resistant. Another crucial fact is that PVC panels are free from crevices. This prevents moisture infiltration effectively.
PVC Panels Are Durable Than Drywall
Certain commercial spaces are high-traffic environments continuously exposed to vehicles, tools, and equipment. As a result, their walls show signs of dents, cracks, and scratches. Shielding walls with drywall is an impractical choice. Vinyl-covered drywall is a delicate wall material susceptible to daily damage. It necessitates frequent repairs and replacements. On the other hand, PVC panels are incredibly durable. These panels never warp, peel off, and delaminate after years of installation. They are built to last for 100 years.
PVC Panels Are Cost-Effective Compared to Drywall
The upfront cost of drywall is high. Since drywall is prone to damage, it increases the chance of frequent replacements. Furthermore, drywall requires daily cleaning, which involves special cleaning agents. On the other hand, PVC panels are 100% abrasion-resistant. This minimizes the chance of repairs or replacement issues. Furthermore, PVC panels require minimal cleaning. You can gently clean PVC panels with mild washing cleansers and a soft cloth.
Do Not Settle For Drywall- Consider Duramax PVC Panels For Wall Paneling
Duramax is one of the trusted manufacturers of PVC wall panels in the US. We offer the finest vinyl drywall alternatives with a lifespan of 100 years. Our PVC wall panels are lightweight and offer easy maintenance. Furthermore, PVC panels offer faster installation because of the tongue and groove interlocking mechanism. There is no need for taping or sealing, significantly reducing the labor time. Visit Duramax today and shop our customized PVC wall panels online. Visit our website today.