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Ensure Maximum Security Against Contamination with Food Processing Wall Panels

The job of a food processing unit owner can be challenging. They must undertake various commitments, from passing regular inspections to ensuring error-free and hygienic food processing. In such sensitive zones, it is important to maintain an environment that isn't susceptible to moisture attack, mold, mildew growth, or bacterial infestation. While there might be modern ways of accomplishing a healthy environment, adding food processing wall panels is the most time-efficient and cost-friendly method.

Vinyl Panels Maintain a Sanitized and Healthy Environment

The last thing any food processing facility owner would want to deal with is a factor that threatens the food's overall quality. FRP panels might be used across such industries, but they start showing their true colors when exposed to high condensation and water vapor. They either start discoloring or showing other signs of damage. Since such units must also look appealing to the customers, any cracks and bends on the FRP walls prompt immediate remediation.

Such frequent repairs involve cost, patience, many hassles, and time. If you aren't ready to stress so much, choose PVC panels over FRP immediately. The anti-microbial and anti-mold coated panels don't let moisture accumulate on the surface and provide a favorable breeding ground for bacteria and mold growth.

Plastic Panels are Class A, Fire Rated

Accidental fire breakouts can threaten the smooth functioning of food processing units. Apart from damaging the goods that come their way, fire hazards can turn a profit-making business into a loss-making one overnight. Since 100% raw-vinyl-made panels come with Class A, 1-hour, fire-resistant grade, they can keep your food processing facilities safe from accidental fire breakouts. Installing such panels on the walls is key to shielding your food processing unit walls from fire-related damages.

PVC Wall Panels are Impervious to Chemical Spills

Chemicals are threatening factors for FRP panels as constant exposure to the same can result in the panels deteriorating, discoloring, and getting damaged gradually. In addition, even the smallest cracks can attract bacteria, fungi, and mold growth. On the other hand, PVC panels are completely resistant to chemicals, which means they neither get damaged nor develop any marks.

Odor-Resistant Panels Prevent Unwanted Smells from Annoying Clients

Apart from maintaining a good hygiene standard, ensuring the food processing units don't smell bad is important. Strange and foul smells can be a big turn-off for customers, as they mean something is off about food; either they are rotten, stale, or isn't fresh. By installing odor-resistant panels, you ensure the facility always smells fresh.

Duramax's USA-manufactured panels are just what you need to maintain good, fresh-smelling, and hygienic interiors instead of looking around for FRP suppliers. The panels meet FDA compliances and are completely safe for use. They meet ASTM and CFIA certifications as well. Contact 323-991-7507 to learn more about PVC panels.

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