PVC Was Invented by an Accident
The discovery of PVC dates back to 1835, when the polymer converted into a white solid while being left under sunlight inside flasks filled with vinyl chloride. Since then, PVC or polyvinyl chloride has become the most popular synthetic plastic polymer, along with polyethylene and polypropylene. PVC is one of the most important ingredients employed in the manufacture of plastic wall panels.

PVC Is Exceptionally Durable
PVC is extremely durable, which accounts for its longer lifespan. If properly maintained, plastic walls can resist decay and deterioration over time. PVC wall panels can last around 100 years, making them a good fit for commercial interiors. When you choose plastic panels for your business space, you can bank on them lasting for a very long period. With the proper care and maintenance, you might never have to replace PVC panels, thereby making them a great one for business spaces.
PVC is Brittle
PVC is, itself, a brittle material. This polymer is first converted into a more flexible material by a process known as plasticization and is then used as a paneling material. In this process, plasticity or viscosity qualities are added to PVC, thereby making them ideal for commercial interiors. Plasticized PVC can be used for other purposes as well. This versatile material serves great as plastic walls.
PVC Is Available In A Wide Variety of Colors and Finishes
You might be under the wrong impression that PVC wall and ceiling panels are available only in ordinary finishes in neutral colors, like white. However, that’s certainly not the case, and PVC is available in a wide array of colors and finishes. They offer commercial property owners a wide plethora of choices when it comes to installing plastic panels. They not only help maintain a hygienic and safe environment but also boost the aesthetic appeal of your property.
PVC Can Be Recycled
If you compare PVC to other natural materials, it might not be an ideal material for the environment. However, the good thing about PVC is that it can be recycled. If you have to replace the PVC wall panels just because you want a new look inside your business space, you don’t have to throw them in landfills. Rather, these panels can be recycled for other purposes and thus would not harm the environment.
Vinyl Panels Offer Better Temperature Control
Some have raised serious concerns about the environmental effects of employing plastic materials in PVC or plastic panels. However, the good thing is that PVC paneling can lower energy usage to a great extent, which is actually advantageous for the environment. These supremely engineered panels offer top-notch insulation, which helps keep commercial interiors warmer during winter and cooler during summer. This, in turn, lowers your cooling and heating requirements, thereby bringing down your energy consumption for managing indoor temperatures.
Final Take:
If you are on the lookout for high-end plastic wall panels, all you need to do is perform a quick search online for trusted and reliable PVC panel manufacturers in the US. They offer extremely durable and custom-made PVC panels at highly competitive prices. It is advised that you do your homework before committing to one particular PVC panel manufacturer.